Communities on Mission

Communities on Mission are 8-12 person groups that uniquely blend deep relationships with the call to serve others. Weekly meetings rotate between Missional Outreach and Community Gatherings.

Our vision is to establish these communities around the greater Pinckney area as we see heaven come to earth here in southern Livingston & northern Washtenaw county! Would you join us in prayer and partnership as we seek to establish our first Communities on Misison. More information will be made available once one is established.

Missional Outreach.

In our Missional Outreach, relationships are formed and heaven on earth is made visible through the long-term service with a specific group or place.

Our next Community Dinner is tentatively planned for FRIDAY, MARCH 14th at Farley Hill Elementary School!

All are welcome for food, conversation, and Jesus. It is FREE, no strings attached. We are meeting in the cafeteria. Come and nourish your body and soul.

MENU: Pie Themed to celebrate Pi (3.14…) Day!

Dinner is served from 6:30-7:15. At 7:20, we will give an invitation if anyone would like prayer and to stay for a short Jesus story. You are welcome to join us, but it is certainly not required.

You. Are. Loved!

The Christian life is a life spent in community, and for house churches, community is essential for opportunities for everyone to grow in their relationship with Jesus!

On Wednesday nights at 6:30pm we will be partnering with our friends up in Howell at Centerpointe Church of the Nazarene for our Mid-Week Kids Ministry! As we grow in faith as families, our vision is to have the kids lead the way in taking the church out of the building and into Livingston County!

Community Gatherings.

At our Community Gatherings, relationships are formed as participants share in life, faith, and growth.

Our Community Gatherings are where discipleship happens as we share life & the richness of God’s Word together! We’d love for you to join us Sunday mornings for a time of discipleship (sermon, singing, prayer, etc.), and at times, a shared meal. If you, or your family, have any allergies we need to be mindful of let us know!

Our Community Gathering times are at 10:00am at Pastor Joe & Maria’s. For directions, send us a message here or on Facebook!